学生事务 at 皇冠体育大学 fosters the holistic development of 学生 by focusing on personal and social responsibility, 课外学习教育, 以及校园内外的社区参与. 查看我们完整的使命宣言
学生事务处 & 资源
The 教务长 Office supports and 建议s you as you pursue your academic and personal life as a 皇冠体育大学 student. 我们的院长可以倾听, 建议, 法律顾问, 让推荐, and act as liaisons with others at 克莱蒙特学院 to support your needs. 访问院长网站
The 亚裔美国人资源中心 (AARC) helps Asian Pacific American 学生 develop intellectually, 社会, 就我个人而言, 学术上和政治上. 是所有项目的核心, 项目, 在APA学生中培养领导技能的价值. Working in conjunction with the Intercollegiate Department of Asian American Studies (IDAAS), the AARC creates opportunities to raise awareness of issues affecting Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. 访问AARC网站
The 黑人学生事务办公室 (OBSA) addresses the educational needs of 学生 of African descent. 办公室, 通过它的文化项目和学术服务, seeks to create a supportive environment for 学生 that will help them attain their undergraduate and graduate degrees. OBSA致力于多元化, and its 项目 and 服务 are open to all 学生 of 克莱蒙特学院. 查看OBSA网站
校园安全保护学生的人身和财产, 教师, 克莱蒙特学院的工作人员和访客, 根据需要协助执法部门和其他紧急服务提供者, 成为紧急情况的第一反应者. 根据需要,他们还在校园内提供24小时的安全护送服务. 浏览校园安全网站
The 职业发展办事处 (CDO) is here to provide 学生 and alumni with quality resources, 服务, advising and 法律顾问ing to help you apply your liberal arts education and life experiences to a lifetime of fulfilling opportunities. 访问CDO网站
文化社区和导师计划(CCMP)提供文化资源, 项目, 以及帮助克莱蒙特学院学生茁壮成长的服务. We strive to improve 学生’ sense of belonging by exploring cultural identity and developing leadership and practical skills for self-agency & 社区宣传. 访问CCMP网站
The Chaplains of 克莱蒙特学院 empower and enhance spiritual life at 克莱蒙特学院 by integrating intellectual and spiritual growth, 关于价值观的指导性问题, life choices and ethics; nurturing religious faith, 建立社区, 培养未来的服务领袖. 犹太人, 天主教, 派系间的, 穆斯林, 印度教, 佛教, 后期圣徒教会, 基督教科学派, 禅宗冥想, and other on-campus religious and spiritual groups meet at McAlister Center for worship 服务 and 项目 overseen by the Chaplains. 查看牧师网站
The 墨西哥裔/拉丁裔学生事务 Center (CLSA) is an educational support service that addresses student issues through academic, 社会和文化项目. CLSA seeks to build community through a variety of activities and events designed to bring 学生 together from the five colleges, 包括通过里昂证券赞助计划指导每位新生. 访问里昂证券网站
皇冠体育学院的学生事务致力于培养一名敬业的学生, 蓬勃发展的, 安全健康的社区,满足学生的需求, and to providing equal access and reasonable accommodations for qualified disabled 学生. Our 残疾资源及服务 website provides information on academic coaching, 外展, 程序, 特殊情况下. 请访问我们的残疾资源和服务网站
The mission of the 德雷珀社区合作中心 is to foster mutually beneficial exchanges among community members, 学生, 教师和工作人员,以支持教育推广活动, 基于社区的研究和学习, 以及其他社区参与活动. 访问德雷珀中心网站
健康教育外展 (HEO) helps empower 学生 to make intentional healthy lifestyle choices. HEO provides relevant and appropriate health and wellness support and resources, 帮助学生在学业上发挥积极作用, 保护, 维持他们的健康. 服务包括外展计划和讲习班, 咨询健康教育工作者, 免费验孕, 艾滋病毒检测和避孕套, 营养和饮食失调服务, 和更多的. 访问HEO网站
The 住房和居住生活办公室 (OHRL) is responsible for the quality of residential life at 皇冠体育. The Dean of Housing and Residence Life and his staff oversee the Residence Hall staff (which includes the resident advisors, 头赞助商, 宿舍的程序员, RHS实习生和赞助人), 新生迎新, 驻院教员, 房间绘制/房屋分配, 和家庭周末. OHRL is the place to go for help with housing or roommate problems, or policy questions of all kinds. 访问ohhrl网站
蒙苏尔咨询与心理服务 (MCAPS) is committed to promoting psychological wellness for all 学生 served by 克莱蒙特学院 Services (移行细胞癌). 我们训练有素的心理学家团队, 精神科医生, and post-doctoral and intern therapists offer support for a range of psychological issues in a confidential and safe environment. 访问蒙苏尔网站
The mission of 户外教育中心 is to provide the 皇冠体育大学 community with educational, 休闲, and social opportunities that focus on local communities and global environments. 利用户外作为教室, our 项目 strive to offer co-curricular outdoor experiences that develop leadership skills and promote responsibility, 同时保持个人之间的平衡, 专业, 以及学术追求. 浏览户外教育中心网站
酷儿资源中心是一个为女同性恋服务的七所大学的资源中心, 同性恋, 双性恋, 变性人, 酷儿, 质疑, 无性, 的自由, 克莱蒙特学院的泛性恋和相关社区. 访问酷儿资源中心网站
The 史密斯校园中心 offers both student programming and space for student activities and student-oriented offices, 包括史密斯校园中心学生项目办公室, ASPC办公室, 鸡笼商店, 鸡笼喷泉, 咖啡馆47, 学生邮件中心, 亚裔美国人资源中心, 定量技能中心, 海报实验室, 口语中心, 写作, 及图像(CSWIM), 延迟性肌肉酸痛休息室, 和玫瑰山剧院. SCC学生项目下的其他项目包括KSPC, 户外教育中心, 克莱蒙特学院交际舞项目. 访问史密斯校园中心网站
The 学生残疾资源中心 (SDRC) is the centralized resource center for support for 学生 with disabilities across the 7C campus communities. The SDRC works closely with the Disability Coordinators on all the campuses to ensure that 学生 receive academic support 服务 and accommodations to empower them to achieve their academic goals, while ensuring equitable treatment and access to all 项目 and activities across all campuses. 参观 学生残疾资源中心.
学生健康服务 (SHS) is committed to promoting the physical health and wellness for all 学生 served by 克莱蒙特学院 Services (移行细胞癌). 训练有素的医生团队, 护士, and medical support staff provides full-service care including laboratory and basic imaging, 药房, 和免疫. 学生可以免费预约提前预约. 以合理的费用提供化验、成像和有限的处方. 浏览学生健康服务网站
为学生保持一个安全的环境是皇冠体育学院的政策, 教师, 和不涉及性的员工, 种族, 以及其他非法骚扰. Our Sexual Assault and Misconduct 资源 website offers information about who you can talk to, both confidentially and/or to report an incident; processes and policies; coordinator and grievance officer information; and additional resources. 访问第九条和校园倡导资源教育和支持网站
妇女联合会, 位于沃克大厅的上层休息室, 资源中心是为那些对性别相关问题感兴趣的人提供的吗. The WU has an extensive library and provides space for meetings and social gatherings. 它每周赞助讨论小组和文化实地考察. 访问妇女联合会网站